Ex Is Starting to Talk to Me Again

Your ex might have refused to talk to you (or blocked you), only that doesn't mean you can't get them back.

Getting your ex to start talking to you again is not actually that difficult. Simply before you lot get them to talk to you again, you demand to understand why they stopped talking to you in the start identify. Not only do you demand to empathize information technology, you also need to fix whatsoever caused your ex to stop talking to yous.


For all you know, your ex may start talking to yous, and when they realize that nothing has changed, they will stop talking to you again. And this fourth dimension, they will exist even more sure about cut you off than they were before.

In this article, nosotros will talk about a few common reasons why an ex-boyfriend or an ex-girlfriend will end talking to you or block you. We will talk about how to fix those issues. And then nosotros will talk near how to go your ex to start talking with you over again and somewhen beginning loving you once more.

Table of Content:

  • Reason ane: Bombarding Your Ex With Text Messages
  • Reason 2: Your Ex is Playing Mind Games
  • Reason iii: Your Ex is Aroused at You
  • Reason four: Your Ex is Trying To Heal
  • Reason 5: Your Ex Has Someone New
  • How To Get Your Ex To Kickoff Speaking To You lot Again
  • How To Get Your Ex To Unblock You

Reason 1: You have been bombarding him or her with text messages and calls (The Well-nigh Common Reason)

In my experience, the most common reason for someone to stop talking with their ex is because they have been harassed on the phone. If y'all are constantly messaging and calling your ex, then they are bound to get tired of you. They understand you are hurt from the breakdown. And they understand that yous want to convince them to get back together. And they are tired of it.

When you are messaging constantly or stalking them continuously on social media; y'all are telling your ex that y'all are non still needy and desperate. When y'all telephone call them to tell them you miss them, you are telling them that you are miserable without them and that you volition do annihilation to get them back.

Perhaps your instincts will have you believe that harassing your ex will brand them come back, but information technology'southward not and then. (Read how instincts screw with you after a breakdown). In fact, everything you do that makes you await needy is going to make your ex young man or ex girlfriend less attracted to yous and more certain about their conclusion of breaking up.

In a nutshell, if your ex blocked you (or stopped talking to yous) because of this, so it was your neediness, desperation and insecurity that pushed them to end talking to yous.

How To Set This?

Unless you set this neediness, this desperation, this insecurity that acquired your ex to stop talking to you, there is no betoken in getting them to start talking to yous again. Because even if you succeed in getting your ex to start talking to y'all again, they will eventually sense your desperation and block you once again.

And then before yous even think about using any of the techniques mentioned below, your aim should be to terminate being then desperate and needy.

Now, you don't demand to get a completely different person to exercise that. Y'all don't even need to move on from your ex.

But you do need to brand some changes in the way you think most this breakup and losing your ex. To practise that, I highly recommend you first by reading this article if you desire your ex-boyfriend back or this article if you lot want your ex-girlfriend back.

Once you are done reading those manufactures, you lot will experience a lot improve about this whole situation. And hopefully, you won't exist and then needy and desperate anymore.

The 2nd matter yous tin do is beginning no contact. If yous've read the manufactures above, and then y'all know that no contact is a big office of the whole picture. Stop contacting your ex and stop following them on social media.

Allow your mind and your body detox from your ex. Allow your listen and torso realize that you don't need your ex to be happy. People are "needy" considering their mind believes that they "need" their ex to survive. Because their mind believes that they "demand" their ex for happiness.

Once you learn to exist happy without your ex, yous will realize that you don't "demand" your ex to be happy. And as a result, y'all will stop being and so needy and desperate when y'all speak to them.

You may yet desire them back. But that'due south okay. Simply brand certain you "want" them back and not "need" them.

Once you've done no contact, and y'all accept healed enough, you tin brand an attempt to get your ex to start talking to yous again.

Reason 2: They Are Playing Listen Games or They Are Being Immature (Common)

A lot of times, an ex will block y'all because of immaturity. They may cake you considering they are playing a ability game and they think that blocking you volition requite them some sort of power over y'all.

Sometimes, they will cake y'all to punish you. Peradventure you read somewhere that you should ignore your ex and you decided to non reply to their message. And because of that, your ex decided to punish you for ignoring them and they decide to block y'all.

Information technology worked because now yous are panicking and trying to find ways to go them to unblock y'all.

All these mind games, push/pull dynamics, manipulation tactics fall under this category.

And they are common in relationships where you both did not communicate openly and honestly with each other. It'south common in relationships where there was kind of a power dynamics between the partners.

If you are not sure what I mean by "power dynamics" in the relationship, then allow me ask you this. Do you feel one of y'all had more ability in the relationship? In such relationships, i person unremarkably has more command than the other. And in virtually cases, it'southward that person who initiated the breakup.

And blocking you lot and playing mind games is their way of remaining in control.

How To Fix This Issue?

If your ex is being manipulative and are playing mind games, they are, in a style, existence immature. And the only mode to fix immaturity is by being mature.

If yous accept been in a toxic power dynamic with your ex for a long time, and so there is a good chance your mind will panic as soon every bit your ex stops talking to you lot or blocks you. And that is exactly what your ex expects. They want y'all to panic. They want you to lose your shit and exercise something stupid. They want to know that they yet have control over you.

Instead of panicking, I want you to use this opportunity to break costless from this toxic bike. I want yous to use this opportunity end letting your ex command your emotions.

Moreover, this is also a smashing opportunity to figure out if you lot should even try to go your ex back. Is the relationship actually worth it? (I highly recommend you read this commodity if you lot are unsure.)

Whenever your ex unblocks you (and in that location is a good chance they will), you demand to speak to them in a mature way. You demand to show them maturity and growth. You demand to bear witness to them that their mind games won't work on you lot anymore. And if they want to speak to yous, they too need to beginning interim mature.

Again, doing no contact and working on yourself is a great way to do that. And then I recommend you start by reading this commodity if you lot desire your ex-girlfriend back and this article for every other type of breakup.

Reason three: Your Ex Is Angry At You (Common)

A lot of times, an ex will stop communications with you or cake you because they are aroused at you. It could exist that they are angry at yous for something you did, (like something you posted on social media) or something you didn't do, (like not replying to their message).

If your ex is mad or angry at you for something and they don't know how to process your emotion, they may just block you lot. It may come out of nowhere or they may tell you before blocking you.

The fundamental problem here is that they don't know how to process their emotions. Blocking is just a side effect of that trouble.

How To Fix This?

If your ex has blocked yous (or stopped talking to you) because of anger, then their anger will eventually subside and they will offset talking to y'all again sooner or after.

But the key trouble however remains unfixed. What if they get angry at something else and decide to block you lot over again?

The best way to set the core effect here is to learn to communicate better. Once you take the advice skills needed to sympathise their point of view, you can dissipate their anger before information technology causes any problem. Once you larn to understand them on a deeper level, y'all will be able to fulfil the needs that are probably triggering their anger.

Of class, it's easier said than done. But a great place to get-go is the Better Communications Course which comes as a Bonus with the EBP Advanced System.

Another great resource that I recommend to most of my clients is the book Non-Fierce Communications by Marshal B. Rosenberg.

Reason iv: Your Ex is applying the No Contact Dominion and is Trying to Heal From The Breakdown (Less Common)

A lot of people stop talking to an ex in an try to heal from the breakup, to move on or to try to become back together at a later stage.

If this is the case with you lot, you have to respect the fact that your ex needs some space and fourth dimension for himself.

Like I say constantly through this site, the no contact dominion is for you. It's for you to decide what you want in life and what is salubrious. Information technology'southward for you lot to regain your composure and become a happier person.

This is exactly what your ex is doing at this time. So why non let them?

Said Every Girl Reading This Article

Said Every Girl Reading This Article

OK, I understand information technology's a little difficult to comprehend the fact that your ex might move on while they are doing this. But there is literally cypher you tin do nearly it. If your ex decided to outset no contact, then every message you lot send them is only going to make you more needy in his thought.

During the no contact rule, your ex is probably going to think a lot almost the relationship and you. Yous should permit them. Don't endeavour to influence their thoughts.

Let them come up to their ain conclusions. And who knows maybe they volition decide to go dorsum together with y'all. And even if they don't, it's okay. You tin still endeavour to go them back when y'all are ready.

Then How To Fix This Issue?

For starters, if your ex wants to heal from the breakup, it's not really an issue. In fact, it's only an issue if your ex has healed and yous are still in the same needy/desperate headspace as before.

And then the best matter you tin practise while your ex is doing no contact is focus on healing from the breakdown and growing as a person. If you are unsure how to do that, because getting the EBP Avant-garde Organisation that teaches you lot effective self-improvement during no contact.

This way, when/if your ex decides to contact you, you will be prepare for them. You will exist a much more than confident person than before and you will have a much better agreement of what caused the breakup and how to set up it. If you say the right things at the correct time, at that place is a good chance you will get them back. (Read 5 Essential things you must do after no contact).

Reason 5: Your Ex Has Someone New That'south Stopping Them (Least Mutual Only The Worst State of affairs)

If your ex has a new girlfriend or a new boyfriend and (due south)he is not letting your ex talk to you, then you accept a serious situation. There is literally cypher you tin can exercise that won't make you expect similar a crazy, jealous and stalky ex.

The truth is, if they are not talking to y'all because they are serious well-nigh their new relationship, then they really desire to move on. And you should respect that.

How To Set up This?

The merely matter you lot can do right at present is expect out this new relationship. If you are lucky, information technology's just a rebound and it will end soon. If you are unfortunate, they might end up in a long human relationship with this new person and you won't e'er have a chance with your ex.

Reading about rebound relationships and your options of getting them back might aid ease your mind. Here are a few resource for you to read.

Rebound Relationships

How To Get Her Back From Her New Boyfriend

How To Go Him Back From His New Girlfriend

How To Become Your Ex To Outset Speaking To Y'all Again If They Blocked You Because of Your Neediness/Desperation (or Whatever Other Reason)?

In a lot of cases, once yous stop contacting your ex and showtime the no contact rule, your ex will achieve out to you lot.

Basically, when yous end pushing, your ex will start wondering what happened to y'all and they will reach out to you detect out.

They might not even be able to cope with your silence and get-go interim a picayune crazy (angry texts, angry phone calls, mean Facebook messages).

Doing no contact is usually enough to get your ex to offset speaking to you again if they blocked you because of your neediness, because of anger, because of a power play or considering they are trying to heal.

But but considering your ex reached out to yous during no contact doesn't mean yous will go them dorsum. In a lot of cases, your ex volition attain out just to check whether or not you are still needy or desperate to win them back.

A incorrect motility from you may just push them away once again.

So if your ex reaches out to you while yous are doing no contact, make certain that yous don't deed needy or drastic. Be honest, but don't be needy. If you are notwithstanding hurt from the breakup, you tin be honest virtually your pain, but you should not beg them to take you back.

For example, it's okay to say something similar,

"I estimate the breakup was very hard on me. That's why I was then desperate earlier. Just I am trying to heal from it and have it."

But it's not okay to say something like,

"It's soo hard to live without y'all. Can nosotros just become back together and end information technology?"

And information technology'southward also not okay to be fake. If your ex senses that y'all are not existence 18-carat or that y'all are playing a heed game, they volition still recollect of you as existence needy and desperate.

Imagine you lot are still hurt from the breakdown and constantly thinking about your ex. You starting time no contact and your ex reaches out to you afterwards two weeks of no contact. Your ex is curious how you lot take been and why you are not contacting them. They ask you lot how you are. And you say something like,

"Oh. I take been awesome. I am totally over the breakup. I have never been happier."

The first thing that may cantankerous your ex's heed volition be; "Really?". They will exist shocked.

A couple of weeks ago you were a complete mess. And now you are the happiest yous have ever been?

That doesn't make sense. Does it? Unless, you are delusional. Or, unless you are lying.

Even if faking it works temporarily, your ex will figure out eventually that yous take been lying to them. And they volition cake you over again once they realize that you have been playing mind games with them.

To them, you just went from existence someone who was needy, insecure and drastic to someone who is needy, insecure, drastic and manipulative.

You didn't remove the behaviour that acquired them to stop talking to you or block you. You merely added another behaviour to hide those behaviour. You learned how to manipulate. And that makes you a little flake dangerous. And if your ex has any sense, they will want to stay abroad from you.

To epitomize, if your ex starts reaching out to you, be honest, merely don't exist needy. You can read my article on texting to sympathise how to exactly do that.

What if your ex never reaches out?

If your ex does not contact you during the no contact menstruation, and then you lot volition have to take matters in your own hands and contact them.

Of course, before you lot contact your ex, you should make sure you have gone through the no-contact catamenia and you are set up for what comes after no contact. (Read What To Do Subsequently No Contact Rule)

Now when yous contact your ex, information technology'south non going to be like before. It'south non going to be a message that reeks of neediness. Information technology's going to be something that will arouse their curiosity. It'southward going to be something that will keep them thinking about you lot for a while. There are a couple of ways to exercise that.

ane. Apologize for the Past and Wipe The Slate Clean

I call this bulletin the Elephant in The Room Text. It'southward designed to admit what happened in the past and requite you and your ex a make clean slate to showtime something new.

I won't get into the detail of this message here because I have written extensively about it in my article on texting your ex.

Additionally, you can download five sample Elephant in the Room texts in this bonus guide.

2. Utilise Curiosity

The second way is an indirect message that does non really address anything of the by. The key to this bulletin is to create enough marvel for your ex to text yous back. There are a few simple yet powerful messages that you can apply to contact him.

Here are a few messages that DON'T WORK.

"Hey Jim, I chosen you twice yesterday. Why don't y'all selection up my phone? Anyways, just text me back as presently as you get a chance."


"Hey Jim, I need your help. Please text me back."


Did yous see what's wrong with these letters? The offset one only reeks of neediness. The 2nd one is an obvious ploy to go him to talk to y'all and the third one is simply boring.

To arouse their curiosity, you need to make the message near them and non near yous. People are selfish and no topic is more interesting to them than themselves.

Here are a few examples that agitate their curiosity.

"Hey, I have a confession to make".


"Hey, I know it'south been a while but I only wanted to thank you for what y'all did. You accept no idea how much it helped me."


"Hey, I but saw something that reminded me of yous. I didn't think well-nigh us for a while. To be honest, it made me smile."

See how all these messages are about them? If you use the first message, they will be thinking what did you do to THEM that you desire to confess. If you use the second bulletin, they will be thinking what they did that you are thanking THEM for. And in the last one, they will be curious about what reminded you lot of THEM.

Get the idea? If course, you lot don't take to use exactly the same messages. You can be creative and use something that y'all came upwards on your own. Just make sure it's something that arouses curiosity and it's nearly your ex.

And remember, y'all must have something to say in one case they reply. Let the conversation flow naturally and speak to them like you would speak to a friend you lot haven't spoken to in a long time.

Read my article on texting your ex to get a improve idea on how to keep the conversation going.

How To Become Your Ex To Unblock You If Yous Are Nonetheless Blocked Afterwards No Contact?

If you take done no contact and you are however blocked everywhere, and so the best course of activeness is to send them an Elephant in the Room Message.

How practise you lot send the elephant in the room bulletin if you lot are blocked from everywhere?

Yous have two options to do that.

a) Send Them an Electronic mail

There is a good chance y'all are not blocked from their email. And fifty-fifty if y'all are, you tin can hands create a new email address and utilize that to ship them the bulletin.

b) Send Them a Handwritten Letter

They will even so receive a postal mails fifty-fifty if y'all are blocked from everywhere. A hand written alphabetic character is a good option for few cases, simply in most cases, I recommend you stick with the electronic mail.

Again, it's very of import that you send them the right bulletin and you are prepared to speak to them when they start talking to you again. If they realize you are still needy/desperate, they will block you again and it will exist adjacent to impossible to go them to unblock y'all this time.

I've written down 5 sample texts that can be used in most situations to get your ex to unblock you and outset talking to you again. You can download them by clicking here.

Disclosure: The links in this article that lead to amazon are affiliate links and this website earns commission on purchases made through those links.


Source: https://exbackpermanently.com/get-your-ex-back-when-he-wont-talk-to-you/

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